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Healthy Pets of Rome Hilliard follows the guidelines for vaccinations set by the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). These guidelines help your veterinarian to make the best choices for vaccination based on risk and age of your pet. 


Not every pet's exposure or vaccination need is the same, although there are several "core" vaccines that we recommend for any pet. We work with you to find a vaccine protocol that fits with AAHA guidelines while protecting each pet's unique risk factors. 


Vaccinations are safe and effective in pets, and an important part of your pet's health. Many diseases that we vaccinate for can also be transmitted to humans. Keeping your pet up to date on vaccinations can help keep your family safe and healthy as well. Many diseases that were once widespread and fatal in the pet population (rabies, canine distemper, parvovirus) are now easily preventable with proper vaccination. All dogs and cats in Franklin County are required to be vaccinated against rabies because of it's importance for both animal and human health. 

Image by Bill Stephan
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