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RemindMe — Do you know about our fantastic RemindMe program?
You can have single doses of your pet’s flea, tick and heartworm medication delivered to your home once a month on the day they need them.
You’ll never have to worry about forgetting a dose again.
You only have to pay for one dose at a time instead of a full box all at once.
Shipping is free!
AutoShip — Do you know about our convenient AutoShip program?
You can schedule regular deliveries of your pet’s food and medications at your convenience.
No more lugging heavy bags of food home from the store.
Shipping is free!
General Home Delivery Program — Did you know that we have a Home Delivery pharmacy program?
We have a convenient online store where you can order your pet’s medications and food, and have them delivered right to your front door.
You can schedule regular deliveries with AutoShip with no shipping charges.
With RemindMe, you can get single doses of your pet’s flea, tick and heartworm meds delivered once each month on the day they need them with no shipping charges.
Food — Did you know that we carry a variety of quality pet food in our online store?
You can have your pet’s food delivered right to your front door.
Shipping is always free.
You can schedule regular deliveries with AutoShip.
No more lugging heavy bags home from the store.
About Vetsource — We’ve partnered with Vetsource to offer you the convenience of online ordering and Home Delivery!
Vetsource is the only industry-approved veterinary Home Delivery pharmacy service.
All of the products in their human-grade institutional pharmacy warehouse come directly from the manufacturer.
You never have to worry about counterfeit or expired products.
Their strict quality control standards account for an error rate of less than 1 in 20,000.
You can order products in our practice or from our online store and have them shipped right to your door.
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